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Ironbull 2024. Red Granite Grinder: A Hardcore Weekend in Wausau!

Ironbull 2024. Red Granite Grinder: A Hardcore Weekend in Wausau!

This weekend we get to the Ironbull 2024 Red Granite Grinder… with a chilly 40-degree start and the sun just peeking over the horizon, we lined up with fellow gravel enthusiasts, ready to take on the challenge.

The 7 AM start time had us shivering a bit, but the excitement quickly warmed us up. With police escort leading the way at 25 mph pace, we soaked in the beauty of the fall foliage as the sun painted the trees in vibrant colors.

A few miles in, the course split, and our team divided:

The 55-Mile Crew: Angela, our fearless female rider, opted for the 55-mile challenge, crushing it with a podium finish! 🏆 She snagged 3rd place in the open women’s category – way to go, Angela!

The 85-Mile Warriors: Mateusz, Gregory, Peter, Witek, and Matt went for the 85-mile course. While some focused on soaking in the scenery and enjoying the ride, others pushed their limits in true Hardcore Cycling fashion. Gregory and Peter landed in the top 3 of their age group! Matt was 3rd overall.

Unfortunately, the 85-mile course wasn’t without its challenges. Witek faced some mechanical issues that forced him to withdraw, and Mateusz suffered a crash that left his bike unridable and ended his race. We’re wishing you a speedy recovery!

Despite the setbacks, the Red Granite Grinder was an unforgettable experience. The challenging course, the stunning scenery and the truly epic weekend. We end off the adventure with a well-deserved after-party in downtown Wausau, enjoying food truck fare and some beers courtesy of the organizers.

Stay tuned for more adventures from the Hardcore Cycling Team!

#hardcorecyclingteam #GoHardcore #redgranitegrinder #wausau #gravelracing

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